SHE'S A (big) GIRL!


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketMy daughter. Born Monday, July 30, 2007, 7:06 p.m, Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn, New York, USA. 8 lbs., 3 oz. 38-hour labor. 2 hours pushing. Sweetest little thing. Sari my hero.

Name: ??? (We’ll figure it out tomorrow.)

Full details tomorrow. Must sleep. 1-1/2 hours in two days not enough.

Thanks to everyone for all your good wishes!!!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

0 thoughts on “SHE'S A (big) GIRL!

    1. Re: MAZEL TOV!
      Yay! And don’t forget Lila’s promise to be a mother’s helper. How many hours a week can we use her without breaking any child labor laws???

  1. My niece!!
    I love her already! She’s gorgeous. Can’t wait to see her in person. Hope you guys got a little rest in.
    See you soon.
    P & D & K

    1. Right now the best thing you can do for yourself is sleep when you can, scale back your expectations of what you are “supposed” to accomplish, and take your time acclimating to this new phase of your life.

  2. yay!!!!!!!
    She looks pretty darn cute, that little one.
    Can’t wait to hear more.

  3. hooray!
    oh we can’t wait to meet the newest wilson! i’m so excited! we’ll have to start training her to say art-e-choke and boo-fey as soon as possible. congratulations! see you soon!
    lauren and evan

  4. WOW! 8lbs 30zs! I think our biggest baby in the family! No wonder the pushing for eternity! Huge hugs to all of you… little ????? welcome to your new world with the most loving, creative, funny, fun, adorable parents you could ever receive.. From Florida here I come!!! much love … “Aunt” Cathy/Kit… I’m still working on my Great Aunt again!!

    Babies rock.
    Great job Sari! I love you guys. Though I did not need to know about the bloody show and liquids. Kids and blogs these days. Sheesh! Can’t wait to meet little girl! And see you guys. Kisses on everybody’s forehead. Angie

    another girl! yeah! Too many boys in this family anyway.
    i look forward to seeing the beautiful girl with my own eyes tonight!…
    congrats to both of you.
    ev and L

    1. Swoon
      She’s BEAUTIFUL. Well done. Can’t wait to meet her — and can’t wait to see what she looks like in comic form.
      Sending big love,

    1. Re: Baby!
      ‘Twas great seeing you and Michael the other day. Phoebe loves her dog book, and her uncle, and is sorry she couldn’t make it to softball. Maybe next week?

  7. Yahoooooooooo!
    Yahoooooo!!! I just want to say that over & over. I’m so happy for all three of you, and I’m awed by Sari’s stamina. We can hardly wait to meet this girl! Even Simone was kind of choked up and awe-struck looking at the photos. Lots & lots of love to all of you. . . . and best wishes for some sleep.
    amy, lee, simone

  8. Birth Day
    Birth Day
    by Elise Paschen
    Armored in red, her voice commands
    every corner. Bells gong on squares,
    in steeples, answering the prayers.
    Bright tulips crown the boulevards.
    Pulled from the womb she imitates
    that mythic kick from some god’s head.
    She roars, and we are conquered.
    Her legs, set free, combat the air.
    Naked warrior: she is our own.
    Entire empires are overthrown.
    Dear Sari, Josh, and Fern (soon to be another name),
    Great prologue, can’t wait to get into the meat of the book.

  9. Wahoo!
    Great bravery and strength to the whole entire family! 38 Hours of sleep is next…since you’ll none of you will see that much sleep again for years! 😉

  10. YAY josh and sari…she is beautiful…very happy for both of you and a good reminder that outside the star chamber of Comic-Con I’ve been at for days, life goes on, people die, babies are born.

    1. Re: She is awesome (even if she blew her first deadline….)
      Thanks, SMITH! Sorry about the name thing, but we worked too hard on compiling and narrowing our list to confuse things with outside suggestions.
      Anyway, I think we did pretty well with Phoebe Feuer Neufeld.

  11. Baby names by Lila
    dear josh and sari,
    we have some names for your baby. warrens: Yvonne. Alison: Philomena
    Mine: Faith Ruby: Allegra.
    email us back when you get this message. and we hope your baby is well.
    we are very happy that you had your baby finally.
    have a healthy baby and have a good time.

    1. Re: Baby names by Lila
      Dear Lila, Thanks for the great name suggestions. We will save them for all of Phoebe’s sisters. We love our healthy baby and we are having a great time!
      Josh, Sari, and Phoebe

  12. Oh my gosh, Josh! She’s so cute! Pretty stylin’ hat, I have to say. Congrats to you and Sari!
    -Ana (from the now defunct Pulp Secret Report!)

    1. Awwww!!! Thanks, Ana.
      Sorry to hear about PSR. I hope it wasn’t some karma thing: Phoebe’s birth had to be balanced by Pulp Secret Report’s death…?

  13. Congratulations!
    I’m so happy for you all! She is beautiful. I’ll be joining you soon, as I’m due in four weeks. We are having a little girl as well. All the best!
    Ilona Lieberman

  14. Fanfuggintastic, the both, the thrice of you. Present her at a cliff’s edge to a coterie of Serengeti aminals. If the reference does not immediately spring to mind, as soon as she learns to use a DVD player, which should be by September, oh daddy, will you never forget it again.
    I look forward to making goofy faces at the munchkin at some future Rocketship party. Congrats.
    Ken A.

  15. Sorry, I’m late, but congratulations to all of you.
    She *is* a big baby. That bodes well. As you know our boy was the same weight at birth and he is a total joy.

    1. Thanks, Neecy Nee-Nee!
      The blessed event has definitely cut into my A.D. production time. Very soon, I must get back to it. After all, we all want to know what happens to you in your apt.!

  16. Just read the final installment and it brought tears to my eyes that I didn’t think were there to shed anymore.
    Stubborn me is sitting in Algiers Point refusing to leave for Gustav unless they call a mandatory evac (I think it will hit west anyway).
    I HATED not being able to go home in 2005.
    Thank you for putting this together. I look forward to purchasing the graphic novel.

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