Nice piece by Kate Culkin of Publisher’s Weekly on Channel Thirteen/WNET’s NATURE Comics series. I drew the back cover for the next issue, #3, debuting later this month — which also has stories by Hope Larson, Sabrina Jones, Lauren Weinstein, Tim Hodler, Mark Evanier, and Thomas Yeates. More info to come.
PBS's NATURE Comic #2 wins award
UncategorizedBack in November, I posted a one-pager I did on compact flourescent lightbulbs for PBS’s Nature Comics #2. The comics also featured work by R. Kikuo Johnson, Lauren Weinstein, and Rick Veitch, among others. Well, the Association of Education Publishers just named Nature Comics #2 a 2008 Distinguished Achievement Awards Winner (in the Specialized Audience Instruction/Graphic Novel category). Congrats and self-congrats are in order!
Nature Comics is targeted at pre-teens and teenagers. It includes stories related to Nature shows "Silence of the Bees," "In the Valley of the Wolves," and "The Beauty of Ugly." The comic is available FREE OF CHARGE — to order, please e-mail You can also download a 1.4 MB PDF of the entire comic book here.
[cross-posted on ACT-I-VATE]