A couple of dates have just been added to the A.D. book tour — in Brookline and Brooklyn! — so here’s the latest lineup:
Wednesday, August 19: I commemorate A.D.’s release with a presentation and signing in Austin, Texas, @ Book People. 603 N. Lamar, Austin, 7pm.
Thursday, August 20: A.D. presentation & signing @ Domy Books in Houston, Texas. 1709 Westheimer, Houston, 6:00 pm.
Friday, August 21: A.D. hits New Orleans. Release party with me and some of the book’s subjects, live and in person! Plus an art show, music, and refreshments. The Canary Collective, 329 Julia Street, New Orleans, 7pm.
Saturday, August 22: Signing @ Maple Street Book Shop, 7523 Maple Street, New Orleans. 1pm.
Tuesday, August 25: A.D.’s New York release party @ Idlewild Books, co-sponsored by SMITH and Teachers & Writers Collaborative. Featuring live music by Mary McBride, refreshments, and an art auction to benefit Common Ground Relief. 12 West 19th St., New York City, 7pm
Friday, August 28: A.D. presentation and signing @ The Book Cellar, in Chicago. 4736-38 North Lincoln Ave., Chicago, 7pm.
Saturday, August 29: Katrina’s fourth anniversary. I will be doing an author coffee @ Writers Workspace Chicago. 5443 N. Broadway St., Chicago, 11am.
Tuesday, September 8: Presentation, Q&A, and book signing. Brookline Booksmith, 279 Harvard Street, Brookline, Mass, 7pm.
Wednesday, September 16: Pantheon editor Lisa Weinert, SMITH comics editor Jeff Newelt, and I discuss the evolution of A.D. from web to print. McNally Jackson Books, 52 Prince Street, New York City, 7 pm.
Thursday, September 24: A.D. signing @ Bergen Street Comics, 470 Bergen Street, Brooklyn, NY, 7pm.
September 26–27: A.D. hits D.C. for the annual Small Press Expo (SPX). Bethesda North Marriott Hotel & Conference Center, 5701 Marinelli Road, North Bethesda, Maryland.
October 8–11: I will be a guest of Portland’s Wordstock Literary Festival, “the largest celebration of literature and literacy in the Pacific Northwest.” Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Oregon.
November 14–15: I will be a guest at one of the biggest book festivals in the country, The Miami Book Fair International.