"A.D." Chapter Six: "Flotsam & Jetsam"


In A.D. chapter 6, “Flotsam & Jetsam,” we discover how Denise withstands the hurricane in her apartment. (Answer: just barely.) In addition, we check in with our other characters, including The Doctor and his guests in the French Quarter, Hamid and Mansell at the grocery store in Uptown, Kevin and his family in Tallahassee, and Leo and Michelle in Houston. It is Monday, August 29, 2005, and no one is aware that the levees have been breached.

I worked my butt off to get this new chapter done in time for Katrina’s second anniversary. In fact, to get it done for the Sunday before Katrina’s second anniversary. And it paid off, as the outside world has really begun to pay attention to A.D. In the past week alone, A.D. was featured in:

  • the Toronto Star
  • the Atlanta Journal-Constitution
  • the New Orleans Times-Picayune

    And I was interviewed by NPR and Canada’s CityNews International.

    … with the L.A. Times, the American Prospect, and CityTV WebNation coming soon.

    I can’t say how gratifying it is to know that new eyeballs are coming to the strip just as it’s beginning to hit its stride. Some of the reader comments have really made me proud to be a comics storyteller. I’ll always be able to go back to them for inspiration the next time I’m working 14-hour days, sitting up ’til 3 A.M. nightly to get the next chapter done. Thanks, everyone!

  • 0 thoughts on “"A.D." Chapter Six: "Flotsam & Jetsam"

    1. This is really great .. that manhole cover flying in the first image really adds the realism. Great idea to relive these events through human stories on the ground. Hurricane Katrina showed up vividly the race divide in America and how it effects policy and reaction. FEMA’s terrible response and waste, and the ongoing displacement of millions? is a disgrace. Katrina is THE event that everybody needs to look at and examine in their conscience. The healing could be greatly beneficial and I applaud your efforts. We have more Katrinas facing us in the future and we need to come together as a people to survive.

      1. Thanks. And agreed.
        P.S. I read about the water pressure from the drain pipes causing the manhole covers to explode, and knew I had to get that in there somehow.

      1. Re: L.A. Times and Cool Hunting
        What great testaments – congrats!! Few tho seem to comment on the serialization aspect of the work as a unique or notable aspect of the process (beyond reader interaction, which could happen with longer/multiple chapters too) is that cause comics readers are conditoned to expect monthly updates? I’m an impatient slummer from the literary tradition – i want more and i want it all at one sitting (but don’t stay up any later on my account! In fact, don’t change a thing about this project…forget i even mentioned it!)

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