I’m a bit tardy in posting this, but better late than never. My Influencing Machine co-author Brooke Gladstone is out on tour right now, presenting the book to eager bookstore and convention audiences everywhere. She’s already hit Book Soup in L.A., and and been on Seattle’s The Conversation (KUOW FM), but here’s her upcoming schedule (plus a few events we’ll be doing together). Hopefully you can make it to an event near you…
- Wed., June 8: Q&A with Seattle Times Executive Editor David Boardman. Seattle Public Library, 1000 Fourth Ave., Seattle, WA 98104. 7 – 8:30 pm.
- Thurs, June 9: Signing at Booksmith,1644 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA. 7:30 pm. (Brooke will also be appearing live on KQED’s show Forum earlier in the day.)
- Mon., June 13: Talk & signing at the "Georgia Center for the Book" (Decatur Public Library). 215 Sycamore Street Decatur, Georgia. 7:15 pm.
- Thurs., June 16: Presentation and signing at PowerHouse Arena. (Brooke & Josh together) 37 Main Street, DUMBO, Brooklyn, NY. 7 – 9 pm.
- Mon., June 20: Talk & signing at the Harvard Book Store. 1256 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA. 7 pm.
- Thurs, June 23: Q&A with James Fallows, followed by a signing. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW
Washington, DC. 7 pm. - Sun., June 26: Talk & presentation at the American Library Association’s annual convention. Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, 900 Convention Center Blvd., New Orleans, LA. TIme TBA.
- Tues., June 28: Presentation & signing at Community Bookstore. (Brooke & Josh together) 143 Seventh Avenue, Brooklyn, NY. 7 – 8:30 pm
- Sun., Sept. 18: Presentation and discussion as part of the Brooklyn Book Festival. (Brooke & Josh together) Borough Hall, Brooklyn, NY. Time TBA
As more events get added, I’ll be sure to add them.