"Titans of Finance" syndicated by TheStreet.com; more


“Titans of Finance,” R. Walker and yours truly’s comics series of true tales of money & business, is now a monthly feature at TheStreet.com! “Titans” tells the tales of Wall Street’s most well-known Icaruses. The strips are entirely based on press accounts, with practically no embellishment. TheStreet.com, an online financial publication that covers Wall Street with an “irreverent and edgy” tone, features commentary by the likes of outrageous hedge fund manager James Cramer. We’re hoping that “Titans” and TSC make good partners in our attempt to “break up the pretensions and self-aggrandizement characteristic of so many ‘self-made’ entrepreneurs, showing how their own all-too-self-denied foibles and obsessions eventually bring their grand schemes to ridiculous ends.” (The Comics Journal)

Anyway, “Titans” runs once a month on TheStreet.com, in the “Weekender” section. They’ve done a fabulous job with translating the comic to the web environment; we think it looks terrific. Check out each “Titans” episode here.

In other “Titans” news, look for a new SEVEN-PAGE story, featuring Revlon Chairman and former owner of Marvel Comics, Ron Perelman, in the indy anthology EXPO 2000, published by the Small Press Expo. A Mighty Marvel Epic, as only R. Walker & I could tell it!

Finally: Is it American Splendor or is it Keyhole? The next two issues of Harvey Pekar’s “neo-realist” comic feature stories illustrated by moi, including a full-color back cover. Look for the newest American Splendor (published by Dark Horse) in stores soon.

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