It’s been a long time since my work’s been reviewed in The Comics Journal — not since a 1997 review of Keyhole — but they just found me again with a review of A.D.! (This is as about a big thrill for me as the New York Times feature back in August.)
Matthew Miller’s piece is titled "Everlasting Memorial," and in the review he covers all the bases, discussing A.D.’s origins as a webcomic on SMITH, dissecting the opening section, "The Storm," focusing on various characters and elements throughout the book, and even contextualizing it with quotes from previous interviews I’ve done. In short, a classic Comics Journal piece. It ends with these words: "A.D. [is] powerful and gratifying. The novel becomes an everlasting memorial to the lives of a city, its people and perhaps a generation of survivors."
I couldn’t be more pleased and grateful.
Also, The Oklahoman just named A.D. one of the ten best graphic novels of 2009.